We chose the best that we tested on mobile homes ourselves and then converted everything into a single harmonious whole. The result is a universal solution that is affordable, while at the same time providing beautiful, spacious living for everyone, exactly in line with our philosophy.
Two-store NANO HOUSES up to 25 m² are completely unique in their overall design, not only in terms of the use of the most modern materials and technologies. Since we work as efficiently as possible, we are able to build mobile homes in which you will not have to crouch or feel restrained in any way.
Our top quality is accompanied by a favorable price, while we also offer real space for living. We have based our offer on the requests and demands of our clients and their preferences allowing them to choose according to their own priorities.
We offer 3 types of Nano Homes.
699.000 Kč without VAT
Time for completion is 2 months
Are you operating with a smaller budget and prefer to do the final touches yourself and feel involved in the whole process? In that case, this is the ideal option for you. All that remains is to paint and furnish the floors, bathroom and kitchen according to your taste.
Price upon request
Time for completion is 4 months
In this option, as the name suggests, the price includes everything and you do not have to deal with anything on your end. From transport, through equipment to bureaucracy, we will take care of everything down to the last detail. For perfect comfort, we will also make a great outside terrace for your house. There is only one thing left for you - to pick up the keys to the new house.
Snížená sazba DPH 15% – bude dle § 48a § 49 zákon č. 235/2004 Sb., o dani z přidané hodnoty uplatněna na rodinné domy určené k trvalému bydlení.
Stavba musí být realizována na základě Ohlášení stavby (RD do 150m²), nebo Stavebního povolení (RD nad 150m²), a to na stavebním pozemku.
Základní sazba DPH 21% – bude uplatněna v ostatních případech.